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🎨 Designing a Beautiful Form to Match Your Brand

Designing a form involves changing its visual elements, such as colors, background, logo, label styles, required field indicators, error messages, and more.

By customizing these design aspects, you can create a beautiful personalised form that reflects your brand's aesthetics and personality.

Steps to customizing Form Design​

To design a form in FormNX, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your FormNX account and open the form you want to design or create a new one.
  2. Navigate to Form Settings: In the form builder, look for the "Form" tab, located below the "Elements" tab (left side).
  3. Customize Design Elements: Inside the "Form" tab, you'll find options to change the design of your form.

Designing a Beautiful Form

Changing Form-Size​

Choose the size of the form, such as Full, Large, Medium, or Small, based on your preferences and the layout of your web page.

Changing Form-Position​

Align the form to the left, center, or right of the page to ensure it integrates smoothly with your website's design.

Form Page Setting​

Modify the page design by selecting from options like a solid color background, gradient, image, or transparency. This allows you to create visually appealing backgrounds that complement your brand.

Form Page Setting​

Similar to page settings, you can adjust the form's design by choosing a background style that matches your brand's aesthetics.


Can I change the colors of specific form elements?​

Yes, you can customize the colors of specific form elements, such as labels, required field indicators, and error messages, to match your brand's color scheme.

Is it possible to upload my company logo to the form?​

Yes, Absolutely! You can easily add your company logo to the form to reinforce your brand identity.

Are there options for custom CSS styling?​

Yes, if your plan has option for 'Custom JS/CSS' you can add custom css.